computer and coffee


For more information about current syllabus requirements and expectations, go to the Master Syllabus Checklist webpage. A statement of College policies should be distributed to students on the first class day either as part of the syllabus or as a separate document. These policies are also available at the Master Syllabi website.

Upload your Syllabus

Part of your semester prep should be uploading a copy of your class syllabus to Lighthouse. Use your ACCeID and password to access Lighthouse. A tutorial page is available for Lighthouse. Need help with uploading your syllabus to Lighthouse? Contact an Educational Technologist by submitting this request form.

About Lighthouse

Texas House of Representatives Bill HB 2504, passed in 2009, requires that the websites of educational institutions provide the following information for every college credit course:

  1. Course Syllabus (provide a brief description of each major course requirement including each major assignment and examination, lists any required or recommended readings, provide a general description of the subject matter of each lecture or discussion) and
  2. Curriculum Vitae for each instructor, including education, professional experience, and significant publications.

Courses that are not offered for college credit, such as Adult Education, Continuing Education, and Developmental Education, may use Lighthouse to post syllabi but are not required to do so.

Office Hours

Faculty are expected to establish, publicize, and maintain office hours, during which they are available to students. Interaction between faculty and students may occur in-person, or may take place via telephone, email, electronic chats, on-site meetings, video teleconference, or other methods. Office hours for on-campus courses will be held on campus.

Faculty are required to publish office hours, office location, and instructor contact information in the course syllabus, in Lighthouse, and in any other location required by the College.

Full-time faculty are required to hold five (5) regularly scheduled office hours per week and to be available for five (5) more by appointment. Faculty teaching courses on an overload basis must post one (1) additional office hour per each overload section.

Adjunct faculty are required to hold one (1) regularly scheduled office hour per week for each section taught.


Religious Holy Days

In compliance with Senate Bill 738, ACC permits students to be absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day. “Religious holy day” means a day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under Section 11.20 of the Tax Code.

ACC permits students to be absent, without penalty, from examinations or from completing assignments scheduled for that day. It is the student’s responsibility to work with the course instructor when absent for a religious holy day in order to complete required assignments within two days following the absence. The instructor may appropriately respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete the assignment or examination.



Please contact your department for any questions regarding the syllabus.