ESL students interacting in class

ACC Faculty Values

To fulfill Austin Community College’s educational mission, its faculty are committed to creating a culture that supports these shared Faculty Values:


    • Teaching–Exemplary teaching is core to student success. We strive to implement evidence-based practices that promote active and engaged lifelong learning.
    • Scholarship–Regularly reflecting on our academic and pedagogical/andragogical approaches is essential as we assess our work as a faculty of educators and counselors. We engage in continual improvement in our fields of expertise and teaching in general.
    • Empowerment–Creating and guiding the learning experience is the responsibility of the faculty. We value academic freedom as fundamental for us to be empowering agents of education.


    • Inclusion–Access and inclusion are imperative to serve the full range of our diverse communities. We infuse culturally responsive practices in our work to honor every individual’s potential.
    • Collaboration–Learning from each other and respecting varied viewpoints is vital to accomplishing shared goals and is a hallmark of a healthy college. We seek civil collegiality within our college and community.
    • Service–Faculty engagement encourages student engagement and success. We actively support our students, departments, college, and community by sharing our time and expertise.