ACC graduation ceremony

College Plans

Strategic Plan

Austin Community College’s (ACC) Strategic Plan is a comprehensive plan that sets the agenda for the next three to five years as we build upon our work to achieve equity in higher education. Developed in collaboration with our community, ACC’s Strategic Plan includes four overarching goals that align with ACC’s focus on student success:

    • Equity and Access
    • Persistence and Engagement
    • Completion and Transition to Employment or Transfer
    • Effective and Efficient Operation and Infrastructure

The Strategic Plan provides clear targets to measure our ability to serve students and help all areas of the College remain focused on developing strategies to reach common goals and improve student success. When our students succeed, lives improve, the workforce is stronger, and our community thrives.


Chancellor’s Priorities

Austin Community College (ACC) District is focused on student success. Our work to create an extraordinary learning experience and improve completion rates for our students is guided by the ACC Strategic Plan. The Chancellor’s 2020-21 priorities are designed to align collegewide efforts on a cohesive path to achieve our Strategic Plan Goals.


Academic Master Plan (AMP)

The Austin Community College District 2020-25 Academic Master Plan (AMP) guides ACC’s collective academic vision, administrative supports, and strategic plans for the future. The AMP contains “big ideas” and innovative suggestions on how we may achieve even greater success for our students over the next five years.